The Signal Processing Group a unit of the Signal Theory and Communications Department of the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and the Health Research Institute Gregorio Marañon (IiSGM). Within this group 2 Professors, 1 Full Professor, 7 Doctoral Professors, 2 Postdoctoral Researchers and 13 doctoral students, who come from a large number of Universities that include, in addition to the Carlos III University of Madrid, others such as Pompeu Fabra, Polytechnic of Madrid, Vigo, Seville, Cantabria, Coruña, Stanford, ETH or Cambridge, to name a few, carry out their research activity. Furthermore, researchers trained in the group are currently working at prestigious universities (Columbia, Harvard), research institutes such as Max Planck or Alan Turing and companies such as Amazon or Facebook. The research activity of the group is focused in the following areas:

  • Machine learning for data, image and signal processing, including both design of classifiers and estimators with deep architectures,  latent variables and Gaussian processes modeling and the extraction of features and information, with large volumes of data and with lost or incorrect data
  • Detection and classification of signals and images, including formulations parametric and nonparametric, centralized and distributed.
  • Advanced techniques of adaptive signal processing, including among others nonlinear filtering, Monte Carlo methods, Bayesian methods or signal decomposition.

The methods and results of these research areas are applied to: Health, business, industry and defense.

UC3M Researchers:

  • Antonio Artés Rodríguez, PhD in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Joaquín Míguez Arenas, PhD in Informatics.
  • Javier López Santiago, PhD in Physical Sciences.
  • Pablo Martínez Olmos, PhD in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • David Ramírez García, PhD in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Manuel A. Vázquez López, PhD in Informatics.
  • Javier Céspedes Martín, PhD in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Angel Sánchez Sánchez, PhD in Physical Sciences.
  • David Delgado Gómez, PhD in Mathematical Modeling and Computer Science and in Behavioral and Health Sciences.
  • Pablo Bonilla Escribano, PhD Student in Multimedia and Communications.
  • Sara Pérez Vieites, PhD Student in Multimedia and Communications.
  • Alberto Yánez Montesdeoca, Biomedical Engineering Degree.
  • Aurora Cobo Aguilera, Master in Telecommunication Engineering and in Multimedia and Communications.
  • Fernando Moreno Pino, Master in Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Pablo Moreno Muñoz, Master in Telecommunication Engineering and in Multimedia and Communications.
  • Daniel Barrejón Moreno, Master in Electronic Communications Engineering and in Multimedia and Communications.
  • Ignacio Peis Aznarte, Master in Telecommunication Engineering and in Multimedia and Communication.
  • Jose Alberto Martínez Ordóñez, Master in Statistical-Computational Information Processing.
  • Oscar Manuel Jiménez Rama, Graduate en Telecomunication Technology Engineering.

The Psychiatry Research Group (GIPsiq) is part of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and is chaired by Dr. Enrique Baca García, who is currently a University Professor in the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Enrique Baca García is also the head of the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Service of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital (HUFJD) (linked to Hospital Rey Juan Carlos, Hospital General de Villalba and Hospital Infanta Elena). The research team led by Dr. Baca also has 4 expert Doctors in psychiatry of the HUFJD.

The PsiFJD research team led by Dr. Baca has great clinical and research experience with multiple research projects, both national and international. Recently they have developed diagnostic and monitoring tools of the evolution of mental health patients. In collaboration with other national and international institutions (including GTS-UC3M), it has developed the use of inertial motion sensors (actimeters), Kinect diagnostic methodology and the development of the use of Momentary Ecological Assessment (EMA) in the registration of mental states of risk, improving the diagnostic precision and monitoring of patients.

UAM/HUFJD Researchers:

  • Enrique Baca García, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery UAM/HUFJD.
  • Maria Luisa Barrigón Estévez, Doctor of Medicine UAM/HUFJD.
  • Rodrigo Carmona Camacho, Graduate in Medicine and Surgery. HUFJD.
  • Alejandro Porras Segovia, Graduate in Medicine and Surgery. HUFJD.
  • Montserrat Sánchez Alonso, Graduate in Sociology. UAM/HUFJD.
  • Manon Moreno, Graduate in Psycology. UAM/HUFJD.

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